A-Z Info


Death of other close relative
How to cope with death the first time you lose someone close
Grief: Coping with the loss of your loved one

Recommended courses
Key Principles

Called your PCP office
A Doctor’s Guide to a Good Appointment

Called a specialist office
Many Patients Don’t Pursue Referrals

Car accident
Older Drivers

Death of a spouse
Mourning the Death of a Spouse

Death of a friend
Coping with the Death of a Friend

Death of a pet
7 Self-Care Essentials While Grieving the Death of a Pet
Coping with the loss of a pet
Why We Need to Take Pet Loss Seriously

ER visit
ER Trip May Point to Other Issues for Older Adults
Top 10 Reasons Seniors Go to the ER

Falls in Older People
Falls in the Elderly
What Causes Falls in the Elderly? How Can I Prevent a Fall?
Deaths From Falls by Older Adults Sharply Increase

Hospital stay
The Psychological Effect of a Hospital Stay on Seniors
After Hospitalization, Mental Trouble for Elderly Patients
For elderly patients, hospital stays often worsen disabilities

A Moving Concern: Transitional Trauma

New assistive device
Geriatric Assistive Devices
Assistive Technology Helps People Age in Place

New non-prescription medication or supplement
Dietary Supplements for Older Adults

New prescription medication
Drug-Related Problems in Older Adults

Outpatient rehab
Physical Therapy for Seniors
The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Older Adults
4 Types of Physical Therapy for Seniors

PCP visit
Why Don’t Patients Follow Their Doctors’ Advice?

Rehab stay
13 Things to Know About Sub Acute Rehab, What is Subacute Nursing Home Care?
Senior Rehabilitation Centers: Better Care Options After a Hospital Stay

Specialist visit
When Do You Need a Specialist Doctor?

Stopped driving
We Need to Talk: The Difficult Driving Conversation

Stopped a medication on your own
Not Taking Medication as Prescribed Harms Senior Health
The Top 6 Reasons Elderly People Don’t Take Medication

Surgery – elective
Study: Frailty in seniors raises mortality risk related to elective surgery
Is Surgery Right for Your Older Loved One?
Avoiding Surgery in the Elderly
Elderly Patients and Surgical Risk

Surgery – emergency
Emergency surgery in the elderly: challenges and solutions

Test done
Medical Tests in your 60s and Up
Top 10 Blood Tests for Older Adults: What to Know

Urgent care visit
Emergency Rooms Are No Place for the Elderly


Anxiety & Older Adults, Elder Abuse
Crimes Against Seniors

How to Beat Boredom
How to Not Be Bored

Caring for someone else
7 Tips to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

Chest pain or pressure
Heart Health

Concerned About Constipation?

Difficulty walking
Gait and Balance Disorders in Older Adults

Dizziness and Vertigo

Fear of death
6 Positive Ways To Overcome Your Fear Of Death

Fear of disability or being a burden
5 Signs That Your Biggest Fear is ‘Being a Burden’

Fear of falling
Prevent Falls and Fractures
5 Ways to Ease Your Fear of Falling
Why Do Older Adults Have More Falls?


Easing Old People’s Loneliness Can Help Keep Them Healthy

Low energy
Fatigue in Older Adults

Low mood
Depression and Older Adults

Managing your health problems
Health Screening

Managing your medications
Taking Medicines Safely as You Age
Saving Money on Medicines

Memory loss
Do Memory Problems Always Mean Alzheimer’s Disease?
Basics of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Overall health/quality of life
Quality of life
10 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Life Right Now

Pain: You Can Get Help

Poor appetite
Healthy Eating
Taking Care of Your Teeth and Mouth

Poor sleep
A Good Night’s Sleep
Aging Changes In Sleep

The 25 Biggest Regrets In Life. What Are Yours?
The Most Surprising Regret Of The Very Old — And How You Can Avoid It

Sex life
Sexuality and Intimacy in Older Adults

Shortness of breath

Unintentional weight loss
Unintentional Weight Loss in Older Adults

Gait and Balance Disorders in Older Adults

Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults