
What Should You Expect At Your Age? A Lot!
For Older Adults and Caregivers
Hosted by Dr. Rob Stall on WHLD 1270 AM
July 5, 2004 – December 5, 2005
All shows originally 1 hour long

Dr. Stall at the studio
Dr. StallDr. StallDr. Stall
Mike Brummer, WHLD Station Manager and Dr. Stall
Dr. Stall & Mike Brummer
Jimmy Smith, Station Engineer
Jimmy Smith

Adult Day Care | Advance Directives | Aging Issues | Aging Perspectives | Alzheimer’s Disease | Cancer Prevention | Caregiving | Dreams | Driving | Embarrassment | Fall Prevention | Fun & Friendship | Geriatrics | Hearing Problems | Hip Fractures | Home Care Services | Infections | Living Options | LTC Insurance | Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit | Medications | Nutrition | Osteoporosis | Peripheral Vascular Disease | Politics | Print Media | Reverse Mortgages | Safety | Senior-Friendly Communities | Senior Resources | Sleep | Spine Fractures | Spirituality | Sport

July 5, 2004 Aging Issues – first show!
Guests: Dorothy Eshelman and Saul Elkin

Listen to show (~15 min)

Miss Eshelman playing the bells & delivering mail

Eastman Notes – January 2007

Miss Eshelman & Dr. Saul Elkin with Dr. Stall

July 12, 2004 More Aging Issues

Listen to show (~15 min)

July 19, 2004 Embarrassment & Aging
Guest: Judi Naylor, RN

Listen to show (~15 min)

Mrs. Naylor & Dr. Stall

July 26, 2004 Senior Health Needs In Erie County
Guest: Pam Krawczyk, Erie County Commissioner of Senior Services

Listen to show (~15 min)

Pam Krawczyk, Dr. Stall, Dan Stall & Dave Stall

Erie County Senior Services
Main phone #:  (716) 858-8526

August 2, 2004 Memory Problems & Alzheimer’s Disease
Guest: Leilani Pelletier, Program Director, Alzheimer’s Association of WNY

Listen to show (~15 min)

Leilani Pelletier

Alzheimer’s Association of WNY
Main phone #:  (716) 626-0600

August 9, 2004 Fun & Friendship After Fifty
Guests: Janet Cosmann, Jean Duffy, Dorothea Haase and Gail Siskin – Red Hat Society Members

Listen to show (~15 min)

Dr. Stall & Red-Hatted guests

More pictures…

Older Women’s League
The Hat Ladies
The Red Hat Society

August 16, 2004 Medication Use & Abuse
Guests: Karl & Tina Fiebelkorn, UB School of Pharmacy

Listen to show (~15 min)

Karl & Tina Fiebelkorn with Dr. Stall

Karl Fiebelkorn, UB School of Pharmacy Phone: (716) 645-2824
Medication Related Problems in Older Adults
(good overview from the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists)
Pharmacists’ Association of WNY Phone:  (716) 564-0860

August 23, 2004 The Politics of Aging
Guest: Mr. Jimmy Griffin, Buffalo Councilman (former Mayor of Buffalo)

Listen to show (~15 min)

Mr. Griffin with Dr. Stall

Jimmy Griffin
(from Through the Mayor’s Eyes at

Where’s the Mad Dog?
(August 6, 2004 Buffalo News article)

Mayor Griffin Obituary
(May 25, 2008 Buffalo News)

August 30, 2004 Perspectives On Getting Older
Guests: Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Doris Stall

Listen to show (~15 min)

Dr. Stall with his parents

September 13, 2004 Caregivers & Caregiving
Guests: Tom DeLoughry, Niagara Caregivers Network & Miriam Callahan, Erie County Caregiver Coalition

Listen to show (~15 min)

Tom DeLoughry & Miriam Callahan

Center of Renewal
Erie County Caregiver Coalition
Niagara County Caregiver Support Services

September 20, 2004 Spirituality & Aging
Guests: Reverend James Lewis III & Mrs. Carol Wolf

Listen to show (~15 min)

Rev. Lewis, Mrs. Wolf, Mr. Smith & Dr. Stall

Network of Religious Communities

September 27, 2004 Print Media – Getting the Word Out
Guests: Bonnie DeGweck & Phyllis Gorski, Publishers, After 50 News; Amy Remmele, Ask the Life Coach; Jerry Flaschner, Publisher, Living Prime Time

Listen to show (~15 min)

Bonnie DeGweck, Amy Remmele & Phyllis Gorski

Jerry Flaschner with Dr. Stall

Jerry’s Obituary
(July 12, 2006 Amherst Bee)

October 4, 2004 Hearing Problems
Guests: Carrie Cline, Diversified Hearing Audiologist, Red Rosica, Retired Audiologist & Dr. Ernesto Diaz-Ordaz, Cochlear Implant Surgeon; Dr. Raymond Paolini, Buffalo Otolaryngology Group Physician (phone interview)

Listen to show (~15 min)

Carrie Cline & Red Rosica (seated) Dr. Ernie Diaz-Ordaz & Dr. Rob Stall (standing)

Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly
Interview with Dr. Paolini
Self-Help for the Hard Of Hearing of WNY
UB Speech-Language & Hearing Clinic
UB tinnitus info

October 11, 2004 Infections In Older Adults
Guest: Joseph Mylotte, MD, Chief of Infectious Disease, ECMC

Listen to show (~15 min)

Drs. Mylotte & Stall

Centers for Disease Control
Erie County Health Department
Ntl Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease
NIH Health Information
NYS Department of Health

October 18, 2004 Living Options for Seniors
Guests: Bob Meiss, Beechwood Continuing Care & Mike Maloney, Niagara Lutheran Health Care

Listen to show (~15 min)

Bob Meiss & Mike Maloney

Community Guide to Senior Care
LeadingAge Western New York (formerly WNYAHSA)

October 25, 2004 Safety for Seniors
Guests: Pati Aine Guzinski, Erie County Department of Emergency Services & Kitty Sullivan, Lifeline

Listen to show (~15 min)

Kitty Sullivan & Pati Aine Guzinski

Dr. Stall & guests

November 1, 2004 Balance & Fall Prevention
Guests: Fred Pordum, DPT, Willcare & Bob White, Tai Chi Expert

Listen to show (~15 min)

BPPV (Vestibular Problems)
Fall Prevention (CDC)
Taoist Tai Chi Society – Buffalo

December 6, 2004 Cancer Prevention & Care
Guests: James R. Marshall PhD, Roswell Park Cancer Institute 877-ASK-RPCI (877-275-7724) & Ms. Gretchen Leffler, American Cancer Society WNY 716-689-6981 National 800-ACS-2345 (800-227-2345)

Listen to show (~15 min)

Dr. Marshall, Ms. Leffler & Dr. Stall

Cancer Prevention & Research

CDC – Cancer Prevention & Control

January 3, 2005 Sports & Aging
Guests: Mr. Charley Ferguson, retired Buffalo Bill, and Mr. Ray Hammel, DPT, Buffalo Rehab Group

Listen to show (~15 min)

Charley Ferguson & Ray Hammel

Dr. Stall & guests

Football Injuries
Sports Injuries & the Aging Athlete
Virtual Sports Injury Clinic

February 7, 2005 Sleep Problems & Dream Interpretation
Guests: Alex Gelfer, MD (Pulmonologist/Sleep Expert) & Professor Linda Zemel (Writer & Dream Interpretation Expert)

Listen to show (~15 min)

Dr. Gelfer, Ms. Zemel & Dr. Stall

Dr. Gelfer 716-631-8863
National Sleep Foundation
Professor Zemel 716-631-5323
Online Guide to Dream Interpretation
The Dreams Foundation

March 7, 2005 Past, Present & Future of Geriatric Care
Guests: Evan Calkins, MD (Geriatrician) & Beverly Kubala, RN (President, Network In Aging of WNY)

Listen to show (~15 min)

Dr. Calkins, Ms. Kubala & Dr. Stall

A Geriatrician Enjoys Growing Older (story about Dr. Calkins from 1996)
Network In Aging of WNY

Other reading
AntiAging Information
De Senectute (by Cicero, in Latin)

Do You Want to Live Forever?
(Technology Review article)
Merck Manual of Geriatrics

Other resources
American Geriatrics Society
Gerontological Society of America
National Institute on Aging
U.S. Administration on Aging

April 4, 2005 Advance Directives & Capacity Determination
Guests: Ralph Benedict, PhD (ECMC Neuropsychologist) & Laurie Menzies, Esq (Elder Law Attorney, Pfalzgraf Beinhauer & Menzies LLP)

Listen to show (~15 min)

Dr. Benedict, Ms. Menzies, Dr. Stall & Lauren Stall

NYS Health Care Proxy Info | FormNYS Non-hospital DNR Info | Form
WNY Health Care Proxy Coalition

May 2, 2005 Creating A Senior-Friendly Community
Guests: Ms. Susan Grelick, Amherst Town Supervisor and Mr. Gerald Brownrout, former Amherst Councilman

Listen to show (~15 min)

Mr. Brownrout, Supervisor Grelick & Dr. Stall

June 6, 2005 Senior Driving
Guests: Dorothy Levitt (Erie County Dept. of Senior Services), Wally Smith (AAA of WNY), Michael Dollard (Alzheimer’s Association of WNY) & Lisa Thorpe (ECMC Driver Evaluation Program)

Listen to show (~15 min)

AAA On-Line Defensive Driving Course
AARP Driver Safety
Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Driving
California DMV Senor Guide for Safe Driving
NHTSA Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers

July 11, 2005 Home Care Services
Guests: Lisa Greisler, Nursing Director (Visiting Nurses Association of WNY) & Marilyn Green, Long Term Care Resources Manager / Telephone Assurance Program (Coordinated Care)

Listen to show (~15 min)

Lisa Greisler & Marilyn Green

Dr. Stall, Jimmy Smith & guests

August 8, 2005 Hip Fractures, Spine Fractures & Osteoporosis
Guests: Deborah Bergfeld, MD, Buffalo Spine and Sports Institute and Azher Iqbal, MD, Vascular Interventional Associates

Listen to show (~15 min)

Drs. Bergfeld & Iqbal

Dr. Stall & guests

Google – Osteoporosis
Hip Fractures (Merck Manual of Geriatrics)
National Osteoporosis Foundation
NIH – Osteoporosis & Bone-Related Diseases
Spinal Cement… (from NY Times 8-28-05)
Spine Fractures (Merck Manual of Geriatrics)

September 12, 2005 Medicare Drug Coverage and Vascular Health
Guests: Tammie Lee Demler, PharmD & President, Pharmacists’ Association of WNY and Massoud Arbabzadeh, MD & Susan Giardino, NP, Vascular Interventional Associates

Listen to show (~15 min)

Dr. Demler

Dr. Arbabzadeh & Ms. Giardino

Dr. Stall & guests

Medicare Drug Coverage (Part D)

October 3, 2005 Adult Day Care
Guests: Larry Vogel, RN, Schofield Residence Adult Day Health Care Program & Kathy Pharris, Catholic Charities Adult Day Care

Listen to show (~15 min)

Ms. Pharris & Mr. Vogel

Adult Day Care – Erie County
National Adult Day Services Assn (NADSA)
54th anniversary of the”Shot Heard ‘Round the World

November 7, 2005 Reverse Mortgages & Long-Term Care Insurance
Guests: Stephanie Lehner, Reverse Mortgage Specialist; Member, Aging In Place Council & Janice Bauer, LTC Insurance Specialist, American Portfolios Financial Services / Member, Aging In Place Council

Listen to show (~15 min)

Janice Bauer & Stephanie Lehner

Dr. Stall & guests

National Aging In Place Council
AARP Reverse Mortgage Info

National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association
American Assn for Long Term Care Insurance
NYS Partnership for Long-Term Care

December 5, 2005 Nutrition In Older Adults
Guest: Richard J. Gehring MSW CSW, President & Margaret Tyrrell RD (phone interview) – Meals On Wheels of Buffalo & Erie County

Listen to show (~15 min)

Richard J. Gehring

Mr. Gehring with Dr. Stall

AARP – Eating Well
Erie County Stay Fit Dining Program
Meals On Wheels Association of America
Meals On Wheels of Buffalo & Erie County
National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging
NYS Office for the Aging Congregate Meals
U.S. Administration On Aging – Nutrition