Statistics of aging
More advice and information
MIDUS (Midlife Development in the U.S.) study | Related article NY Times
“The study was innovative on multiple levels. First, it provided groundbreaking assessment of many psychological factors (e.g., personality traits, well-being, positive and negative affect, sense of control, goal commitments) in a national sample of Americans. MIDUS thus afforded new directions for demography, epidemiology, and sociology via linkage of these psychological factors to key demographic variables (e.g., marital status, family structure, socioeconomic standing, social participation, social support, employment status, health status, health care utilization).”
Question for Dr. Stall
On your website, you state a statistic that now about 1 out of 8 people are 65 years of age or older…
Response from Dr. Stall
The latest population projections estimate that this will rise to 1 out of 5 (20%) in the US by 2030-2040.
The following are Web references that address aging population estimates:
U.S. Census Bureau – An Aging Nation report 2014
Hope that helps.
Dr. Rob Stall