Health care ethics and social justice
Big issues | Specific issues | Organizations | People | Reference
Divestment from HMO’s
Strategy to change health system – article from Tikkun | campaign by Healthcare-NOW!
For-profit vs. not-for-profit health care
Corporations and capitalism can cause patients to be disempowered, dependent and helpless; worth is as a sick person, not as a healthy individual
Linking health care to employment
Prevents people from changing jobs, forces people to keep jobs they hate or are not best suited for
Occupy Wall Street
From Wikipedia – “…an ongoing series of demonstrations initiated by the Canadian activist group Adbusters
which began September 17, 2011 in Zuccotti Park
, located in New York City
‘s Wall Street
financial district. The protests are against social and economic inequality
, high unemployment, greed, as well as corruption, and the undue influence of corporations—particularly that of the financial services
sector—on government. The protesters’ slogan We are the 99%
refers to the growing difference in wealth
in the U.S. between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population.”
Single payer system
Social justice issue – universal health care page from Public Health and Social Justice | single payer article from Medicine and Social Justice blog
Social determinants of health – CDC | Healthy People 2020 | WHO | Wikipedia
Social determinants of health
WHO | Wikipedia
Social responsibility
Canadian view of medical training – Social Accountability – A Vision for Canadian Medical Schools white paper by AFMC Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
Specific issues
Palliative care
NCPC Great Britain | NQF standards
Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values MIT
Health Care For All NY
Joint Centre for Bioethics University of Toronto
NACCHO health equity and social justice initiatives
Occupy Buffalo
Optum Institute for Sustainable Health
Physicians for a National Health Program
Society for Participatory Medicine | Journal of Participatory Medicine
United States Institute of Peace – Global Peacebuilding Center
WNY Health Care Campaign
WNY Public Health Alliance
Solly Benatar (link to U. of Toronto profile)
Arthur Caplan (link to bioethics columns) – MSNBC bioethicist
James Dwyer (link to Upstate Medical Center profile) – Global Health Discussion Group (link to course flyer) | Obesity: Ethical Dilemma and Public Health Challenge (link to 2008 talk flyer) | How to Connect Bioethics & Environmental Ethics (link to flyer from 2010 grand rounds)
Garrett Hardin Wikipedia | Garrett Hardin Society
Erich Loewy (link to UC Davis profile) – LinkedIn | obituary
Steve Wear (link to UB profile) – Romanell fund article
Sick Around the World PBS program
The Careless Society Amazon | Google books | World Hunger Notes review
Tragedy of the commons article | Wikipedia – 1968 paper about overpopulation
Unnatural Causes PBS series
Photos from Christian Science Monitor